
About the jjkpryde.com Digital Service

jason54x60 This site is part self promotion and part experimental lab.
The self promotion part is found in my attached resume, twitter feed, and to a certain extent, this blog.  This is where you go to find out who Jason Pryde is and what he is doing.   For instance, this blog will serve as an outlet for my stream of consciousness on the general topic of  group collaboration.   Expect a series of blog entries and maybe longer pages on why email ≠ collaboration and the responsibility to support knowledge transfer as a constant goal of any project.
The experimental lab part is using the site as a sandbox.  Here I experiment with basic design concepts and various technologies in a WordPress environment.  This site includes a potpourri of plugins, theme customizing, and random bits of code that help me learn and, hopefully, enhance the site.

One design goal is to leave enough “scent” of further information on the desktop without cluttering it up.  This is a nod (but only a nod, no pretensions here) towards the simple design principles espoused by Steve Jobs (see “How Steve Jobs’ Love of Simplicity Fueled A Design Revolution“).  Another source of design inspiration comes from the UK government design principles.

The ultimate direction of all websites will be a flow of information coming together in one place like the tributaries converging at the mouth of the river. See the Wired Opinion piece predicting a new metaphor for the WWW from the current mass of complexity to a temporal flow of knowledge from sources of varying relevancy.

So that is whats going on in a nutshell.

Stay tuned, I will be.


Site Owner, Admin, and Content Manager
jason at jjkpryde.com